Hey look it’s me…..Speaking! A lot!


Click on the image where you can find me speaking on The AM Show about ‘How to keep teens safe at parties.’ It was a great brief chat about shifting into a very different way of doing things in our lives as parents.

Different than the way our parents did it. We are parenting in a very different world and the way we parent needs to change with it.

I spoke about shifting out of the old over-parenting, controlling and micro-managing ways that so many of us were raised within and into empowerment through choice.

• Learn about the 5 'Parent Traps' and how we all fall into these. The #weparentfromthepast trap being the stickiest one.

• Stop telling your kids what to do and share with them what you did instead.

• Make it natural to have these vulnerable conversations with your kids instead of making them feel wrong for wanting to do the stuff they want to do. The stuff most of us did anyway if you can remember back that far!

• Empower your kids to feel safe at parties by teaching them about choice. Supporting them in their choice. Because they're gonna do it anyway...so how can you as a parent support them in it by setting the conditions around it. Parent Choice - Kid Choice.

I spoke in a FB Live straight after the session and dived into these a bit deeper with some added points that I would have loved to have shared if I had had the time!

You can find that video below.



FB Living it in my car after my TV slot to cover the bits I also wanted to say on this huge topic! Click on the image to watch the vid. Some awesome info for parents of teens in this one.



This is me with a little more time on The Cafe. Click on the image to watch the vid.

‘Mid swing doing my thing' sharing about how losing the term ex-partner and choosing the term co-parent can change the energy in your family dynamic if you and your child's other parent are no longer in cohabitation.

This awareness is an incredible first step and a catalyst for very real and significant positive change in a separated family situation and the beginning of soooooo much more that you can do to create harmony through separation.

This interview includes great info for couples that are still together and are trying to stay together!! Which has been challenging for many during these current circumstances which are far from anyones normal!



I was excited and felt pretty blessed to have been asked to be a speaker alongside an exclusive set of experts in the Parenting for Resilience, Confidence and Independence Online Summit and be shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the biggest world-class experts in Parenting today.


I will be sharing about what I have playfully identified as the 5 'Parent Traps' that we all nose-dive into when we become Mums and Dads. I'll offer tips on how to lift out of the traps so Parents can find their authenticity, independence and empowered choices - finding the 3 F's for Parenting that become available when they do!

What I offer in this talk is a way that Parents can empower themselves with permission to follow their passions while remaining connected with their kids and use the ‘face slap’ so they can chuck the guilt out the window, lift out of the 'judgement trap' and find way more fun and freedom in their lives as a Parent!

Boom to that!

It was an incredible event with amazing speakers delivering world class content around everything parenting.



While your waiting though click on the image for a LIVE chat that I had with Karen Tui Boyes from Spectrum Education mid Summit. Yessss!



Click the image to catch me speaking on the Health, Wealth & Wisdom International Summit: Parents Edition with Ali, aka Dr L The Parent Whisperer from RolemodelMaker. This man is the business and it was an absolute pleasure to be part of this event.

You can also watch it here:

Empowering parents into a new way of parenting alongside the changes the world is currently within is totally my JAM. Because the world has become pretty different - and parenting needs to change with it!

My talk title was “How to Avoid The 5 'Parent Traps' So You Can Have More Fun and Freedom.”

In your life as a Parent!

So you can parent in, during and through ANY circumstances life throws at you.

It was a really cool talk and I am super grateful to have had the amazing opportunity to get a taste of what I offer out there to the world through this presentation.

Yeeeehooooo! Empowerment for parents. I'm all over it!



Super excited to have been invited as a expert guest speaker for the Entrepreneurs Rocket Fuel October Web Summit! SO I spoke about Parenting in the business world. The entrepreneurial world to be precise. .

Fastest growing sector ever! Be your own boss! Sounds great right....until it isn't. Until a bunch of stuff trips you up and your business just isn't going anywhere.

And what does that have to do with Parenting I hear you ask? EVERYTHING!!!

We are all ‘Parents’ whether we have children or not. We ‘parent’ ourselves, our partners, our children if we have them and every other person around us. And our business!

Why? Because every single relationship we have with everyone and everything in our world is a reflection of our first relationship, which is a ‘parenting’ relationship.

The way we were ‘parented’ impacts every relationship we have and will go on to have. With everything! Food, exercise, sex, nudity, body image, religion, health, time, money, change, parenting etc etc…. And business.

Why? Because when we become parents - we turn into our parents. Or a reaction to them! Yip, it’s a thing. A thing that I love to offer awareness around so that Men and Women can avoid the ‘Parent Traps’ and find more fun and freedom in their business.

So great to get my message out to more parents doing their biz in their business!

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Click the image to catch me speaking on the Embodiment Conference as part of the Trauma and Social Change Channel.

I spoke with Julie Esse about “How lifting out of the 'Parent Traps' will invite fun, freedom and the creation of a new way to be in the world.”

How I went from a new Mum suffering from post natal depression and anxiety to a Parent Empowerment Mentor supporting men and women to create the lives they want while still being parents. It’s been a massive journey and one that never would have happened if I did not learn how to get ‘out of my head’ and ‘into my body!’ Out of the thought processes, overwhelming feelings and beliefs that were all part of my conditioning that had me tripping up all over the place as a parent.

Have a listen to this awesome talk about how understanding why we parent the way we do and what stands in the way of us doing it differently can reveal the path to chucking a big spanner in the works of the patterns of the past and bring us into a space as humans where we are not just passing on our dysfunctional programming onto our kids without even realising we’re doing it!

This is all about raising consciousness in the way we are parenting our kids. We are living in a very different world these days and the way our parents parented us is no longer relevant in this fast paced and very different climate. The world has changed and the way we parent needs to change with it!


More to come….