Client Love


Read and listen what the awesome mums and dads that I have worked with are saying. And guess what, they’re just like you. If they can do it then you can too!

Video Testimonials

Written Testimonials

“The incredible work we have done with Jacqlin has shown us so much in creating a better connection in our family.  When the struggles and frustrations arise, which they always do, we feel so well equipped with our own unique tool kit that we developed within the program.  We finally have a way that supports us and our connection with our kids."  Jess and Mike, Hawkes Bay.


“We were so stuck in the stress and busyness of life.  Not having time to look at what we were doing or why we were doing it.  Just repeating the same stuff.  It wasn’t working. 
We were blown away at the awareness that working with Jacqlin gave us in knowing ourselves and our girls better.  Things are way more peaceful and we’re finally enjoying life as parents.”  
Si & Jen, Auckland.


“Family life has completely changed!  We have so much more fun, love and laughter in our daily life.  We play.  I thought I had forgotten how.  Thank you!”   Frank and Sue, Auckland


“I used to think our child was broken.  His behaviour was so bad I thought there must be something wrong with him.  You have shown us a very different picture and we are so incredibly grateful.  We simply didn’t understand him or ourselves.  We approach ourselves and each other in a completely new way and the results have been next level amazing and it was so fast!  Thank you for sharing the work that you do.  Our life is so so much better!”   J and M, Auckland


“I had no idea that the way I was parented had such a massive impact on being a Dad.  Looking into this allowed my partner and I to discover how we wanted to 'do' parenting.  To really get clear.
I was challenged by my kids and had no patience.  I would just lose it!  Now I understand how differently the kids see a situation and now instead of reacting I respond in a positive way.  This has been by far the best money we have ever spent.”
  D & M, Auckland


“Parent mentoring is the best investment we have ever made.  It has completely transformed the relationships within our family.  There is no more yelling, no more arguing.  The battles we were experiencing daily have disappeared.

We are relaxed and have fun.  We laugh together!  We now see above the stuff that just doesn’t matter.  Life is lighter and brighter. I didn’t think it was possible to parent this way!  We are very grateful.”

Mike and Simonne, Auckland


“Since learning about the work that Jacqlin does, the connection with our daughter has become deeper and more loving.  We have clear agreements and she does what we've asked because she has more choice. Who would have thought! 

I don’t feel like I have to micro-manage and control her anymore which is so huge for me. Our family life is so much more fun - we’re actually enjoying each other! 

We are very grateful!”  Anna,  Auckland


“What I loved most about working with Jacqlin is that it wasn’t just her teaching us a series of tricks and parenting tips that either didn’t work for us or didn’t feel right. 

Throughout the program we were developing our own tool kit that was aligned with our family members and environment.  Not was worked for someone else's kids - our kids!  We are stoked!”  Jeff,  Auckland